The latest innovations in computing education and digital skills will be celebrated with a fortnight long programme of free online events, opening on Monday 21 June.

As part of the government’s climate targets, the Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme has been launched to cut harmful emissions from public sector buildings, including schools

The Social Value Act places a duty on contracting authorities to consider how to improve the social, economic and/or environmental wellbeing of the community when procuring service contracts

Fiona Riley, Chair of the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health’s Education Group, looks at the changes in health and safety brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic, along with the latest advice

Outdoor play is vital for children’s physical, mental and emotional health, and post-lockdown, outdoor play at school will be essential in helping children to recover, writes Mark Hardy

Computing Hubs are part of a programme to deliver a world-class computing education in all schools in England. So what does it mean to be a Computing Hub school, and what impact do they have?

As spring progresses, schools should review their green-space maintenance and management plans to understand which works should be taking place over the next quarter

A smart classroom is a learning space designed to offer endless possibilities for individual learning needs, taking into consideration pedagogical, environmental and digital factors

Cashless payment systems have moved on from simply being a means to pay for school food or trips, to becoming fully integrated data solutions - with some surprising benefits, writes Julia Garvey

Throughout the pandemic, EdTech has played a central role in supporting blended learning. It is now worth considering how it can help effectively address lost-learning and ensure pupil wellbeing

Good indoor air quality has come to the fore as an essential way to keep students and staff safe from potential health threats since COVID-19 hit, but this isn't just a pandemic issue, writes Martin Fahey

Many schools and academies outsource services such as cleaning, catering and ICT support. Here are five key areas to consider when starting a tendering exercise for an outsourced service

Today's blended learning approach of remote and in-class teaching means that now more than ever, education is reliant on technology. So now is the time to consider if your IT infrastructure is working well for your school, staff and students 

At a time when Covid has so disproportionately affected the nation's children, outdoor education has a unique tole to play in helping to restore and rebuild their confidence and mental health

The Covid-19 pandemic and the repeated closure of schools has highlighted the social, economic and educational importance of school food, writes Stephen Forster, national chair of LACA

Lowering energy use in old buildings, or ensuring new ones are energy efficient, is one of the main routes to becoming a zero carbon school, writes Alex Green from the Let’s Go Zero campaign

The National Fire Chiefs Council has engaged with the Department for Education who are shortly to launch a consultation of its revised draft Design Guidance for Fire Safety in new schools

Computer Science teachers and computing lead teachers in primary schools share their tips about how to make remote education work, and what changes are here to stay
