From saving school staff time, to allowing parents to quickly and efficiently manage their contributions to schools, cashless payment systems are revolutionising the way schools operate

With debit card transactions set to surpass cash payments this year, Education Business looks at whether schools are following suit, or if cash is still king for school payments

Going cashless can help schools save money by streamlining their payment processes, but it has also become an way of strengthening parental communications and engagement

Facing shrinking budgets, schools go cashless

Removing cash collection from school proves to be an effective way for schools to save money and gain efficiencies

There is a cashless revolution spreading across the country with physical exchanges of money and face to face planning becoming a thing of the past. Education Business looks at Langley Hall Primary Academy and how the school is keeping up with the technology change.

The advantages of a cashless catering system can be seen right through the school meal supply chain, with children, parents, caterers, schools and local authorities all benefitting. Carrieanne Marie Bishop, national chair of LACA, reports

British Educational Suppliers Association (BESA) director, Ray Barker looks at cashless catering systems and summarises the benefits they offer to schools.