Education Secretary Damian Hinds has announced a free website to advertise vacancies, which currently costs schools up to £75 million a year. It will include part-time roles and job shares

Children’s Commissioner for England's Stability Index shows that almost 2,400 children changed home, school and social worker over the last twelve months

Secure schools will provide education for those in youth custody in a secure environment, which will combine the ethos of schools with the structure of secure children’s homes.

Free schools are failing to offer innovative and parent-led approaches to the curriculum, which was their original purpose, according to new research

Wales will be extending its smoking ban to outdoor areas, with smoke-free areas expected to be in place in school grounds, playgrounds and hospital grounds by summer 2019.

30 Days Wild, credit Ellie Smart

The ’30 Days Wild challenge’ from the Wildlife Trusts is being supported by a range of stars, including author Abi Elphinstone, TV presenter Gillian Burke, Olympian Alex Gregory, and chart-topping James McVey from The Vamps.

From this autumn, schools will be able to record and monitor incidents of bullying using SEEMiS, the existing school management system.

A share of £170m has been made available to employers, education and training providers to establish new ‘Institutes of Technology’ (IoTs), which will specialise in delivering the higher level technical skills.

The number of 10 and 11-year-old children classed as severely obese in the final year of primary school is nearly double that of those in reception, LGA data shows

Councils will benefit from a share of £50m to improve facilities and create more school places for children with special educational needs.

Courses in construction, digital and education & childcare will be first taught from September 2020, with a further 22 courses to be rolled out in stages from 2021

New pre-key stage standards aim to support transition to national curriculum

Diane Rochford: "Removing P scales will liberate schools"
