David Cameron has declared it "absolutely vital" to the country's success that maths, science and computing are taught in the "modern way".

Councils had to spend more than £22m covering the costs of schools converting to academy status in the last two years, even though they are moving free from local authority control and are funded from Whitehall.

Launching Ofsted’s annual reports on December 10, Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector Sir Michael Wilshaw has warned that the gap in performance between primary and secondary schools in England is widening.

A new Department for Education study shows that higher rates of achievement at GCSE level are delivering benefits to the economy.

Teachers have criticised George Osborne's 2014 Autumn Statement for failing to ringfence the Department for Education's spending.

New research from the British Educational Suppliers Association (BESA) shows that a half of all UK state schools do not have sufficient access to ICT and computers.

Ofsted inspectors have warned that persistent low-level disruptive behavior in schools is affecting pupils' future prospects.

Applications are being accepted for a scholarship scheme to attract top STEM graduates to train as computing teachers in England.

The schools' regulatory body Ofsted has announced that David Hoare is to take over as its new chairman, replacing Baroness Sally Morgan.

Ordnance Survey has teamed up with Totton College and the Cathedral Innovation Centre to give under 19s in the Solent region a chance to participate in the Festival of Code, a competition taking place throughout the UK from 28 July to 3 August.

David Cameron's cabinet reshuffle has seen Michael Gove replaced as Secretary of State for Education by Nicky Morgan, MP for Loughborough.

New research from the British Educational Suppliers Association (BESA) shows that tablet adoption in schools is on the increase.
