A survey commissioned by TES and YouGov, has revealed that 81 per cent of teachers feel that the teaching profession is under-valued by the wider society, indicating how low the levels of morale have dropped.

An innovative approach introduced in Scotland is countering the teacher recruitment crisis by training librarians, classroom assistants and school administrative staff as teachers.

Education Secretary Nicky Morgan has written to exam boards urging them to reverse their decision on scraping studies in minority languages such as Polish, Turkish and Bengali.

Research conducted by Fit For Sport suggests that 67 per cent of children at primary school are not reaching basic levels of fitness for their age group.

The Liberal Democrats are to outline plans to establish an independent educational standards authority in a bid to block ministerial ‘micro-interventions’ and keep politics out of the classroom.

Brian Lightman, general secretary of the Association of School and College Leaders, has said that ’would-be teachers’ are being put off the profession because of a complexity of routes into teaching.

Maths ‘prodigies’ should sit their maths GCSEs and A-levels at the same time as their peers, and should not be ‘trained’ to take exams early or be fast-tracked to university, according to Geoff Smith, chairman of the British and International Maths Olympiads.

A survey undertaken by the Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL) has revealed how schools are facing a growing teacher recruitment crisis, with head teachers saying they have vacancies in key subjects such as maths, english and science.

TES has reported that 120 schools are to be recruited in a research project to analyse how teachers can use feedback to improve students understanding of maths.

If new Ofqual plans go ahead, hundreds of schools will have to enter students for extra tests in the run up to their GCSE's, TES has reported.

Black and ethnic minority (BME) teachers are being held back from reaching their full potential in the education sector due to an 'institutional racism' that plagues the system, says an academy trust chief executive.

The National Union of Teachers (NUT) has called for Ofsted to be axed at its annual conference, claiming its influence had become 'toxic' and teachers no longer supported the institution.
