Joseph Williams, educational programmes manager at the Carbon Trust, discusses the three efficiency areas which, if implemented well, could result in huge savings for the education sector

Health and Safety in educational establishments is a prime concern, and effective risk management practice is essential in order to enable children to undertake activities safely. RoSPA’s head of education and leisure David Rushton outlines where responsibilities lay in different school sectors

Clarity of financial policies which are well thought out and adhered to are essential for sound financial management in academies, writes Kerry Ace, Finance and Policy Manager, CIPFA

Not all schools, academies or free schools have the expertise to deal with the complex tendering and procurement processes in advance of a construction project. So where can they turn for help?

At a time when pressure on school places and buildings is increasing, and the public sector 
is being asked to make more cuts on spending, it is critical that school providers understand 
current issues on planning if they are to make best use of their built assets, according to 
Karen Cooksley and Lindsay Garratt from law firm Winckworth Sherwood

The Bushey Academy settles into its striking new £30m state-of-the-art premises

An important aspect of school security is the protection of valuable on-site equipment but just as vital is secure data disposal. James Kelly, chief executive, British Security Industry Association, advises on the importance and critical need to secure a trusted information destruction company

A special needs policy update from nasen, plus a look at the seminar content of nasen LIVE! which takes place at the Reebok Stadium, Bolton on 22nd & 23rd of May

How are employers working in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) engaging with schools to develop the next generation of skilled workers? Kirsten Bodley, Chief Executive of STEMNET, investigates

Payroll providers come in all shapes and sizes, with varying solutions, so where do you begin when selecting one? Samantha Mann, CIPP’s senior policy & research officer, shares some advice

Converting to academy status? Where to begin? Nick Weller, chair
of the Independent Academies Association and executive principal 
of the Dixons Academies shares five ways to help make it a success

Education Secretary Michael Gove highlighted three ways in which technology is profoundly changing education, in his speech at Bett 2013

Risk education is not about isolating pupils from all potential hazards, it is about equipping them to deal with situations safely, writes RoSPA’s head of education and leisure, David Rushton

Following the recent Education Select Committee report, Lorraine Peterson, CEO of Nasen, asks whether the policy changes will improve the provision for those children with SEND

There is an income collection revolution under way, as an increasing number of schools are taking significant steps towards becoming ‘fully cashless’. But what does it mean to be ‘fully cashless’? 
And what should be considered before investing in a cashless payment system?

A higher degree of close contact, sharing communal facilities and lower levels of good hygiene practice amongst children mean that schools can be the ideal setting for infections. A clean environment is therefore essential in the fight against infection

A ‘can do’ culture that is supportive of learning outside the classroom can add the most value to enabling students to achieve well and thrive, says a recent Ofsted best practice report. Elaine Skates, deputy chief executive of the Council for Learning Outside the Classroom, explains how this can be achieved

Can making pupils aware of the connection between the classroom and the workplace at primary age really shape their future career choices? Sonita Alleyne OBE, investigates
