Putting energy saving at the centre of school policy benefits pupils, staff and school finances, the Carbon Trust explains. The organisation shares efficiency advice on a number of key areas

Leading British athletes are taking up the baton of teaching children about the positive role sport can play in their lives, as this report from Sky Sports Living for Sports explains

With reports of poor conditions in schools struggling to meet the needs of a growing population, Education Business reviews a number of projects that may point to new solutions

Nasen looks at the many questions relating to reforms to special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and provides some definitive guidance to help practitioners navigate the changes

Shaun Reason, the Association for Science Education’s chief executive, takes a look at changes to the science curriculum

A sound approach to information destruction can stop private information from falling into the wrong hands, writes the British Security Industry Association’s (BSIA) Judith Denny

Kerry Ace, a policy manager with the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA), on the importance of having strong, ethical governing bodies in schools

James Lynas, a partner at Winckworth Sherwood specialising  in education employment law, highlights easily avoidable human resources errors that can cost schools dear

During a time of reform for the entire education sector, funding changes in special education needs provision require planning. Nasen’s Jane Frisell looks at the new arrangements

A well designed and maintained school roof is vital to avoid costly repairs down the line. Where repair and maintenance are concerned, it is essential to have an understanding of the construction and technology of our roofs, writes Ian Henning from the National Federation of Roofing Contractors

The Barefoot Computing project aims to get primary teachers ready to communicate important concepts in computing before the new curriculum comes into force. Project leader Pat Hughes explains how it works

Abstraction, algorithms, coding and data representation: these are all aspects of the new primary computing curriculum that teachers are expected to teach. School teacher Daniel Wood from Birkwood Primary School in Barnsley shares how teachers at his school are getting their own computing knowledge up to speed before teaching others

Germs thrive in places where lots of people interact in close proximity, therefore schools are a perfect breeding ground for infections. British Institute of Facilities Management member Julius Rutherfoord & Co outlines how schools can ensure their cleaning contractors are doing a thorough job

The roll out of the new National Curriculum gives us a great opportunity to be creative with lesson planning and look at how we can engage learners through regular learning outside the classroom, writes Elaine Skates, acting chief executive of the Council for Learning Outside the Classroom

Have you ever invested in expensive IT equipment only for it gather dust in the stock cupboard? In times of budgets cuts, schools cannot afford to be wasteful with their spending. So how can you get your ICT procurement right? Mike Butler of the Independent Academies Association shares some advice

The regulations underpinning public sector pensions are due to change dramatically, with major implications for teachers. Sarah Willis sums up the key points

With academies and free schools having control over their own finances, Helen Hargreaves of the Chartered Institute of Payroll Professionals examines the different payroll options for these types of educational establishments

The first school to be rebuilt as part of the Priority School Building Programme has opened its doors, and a second round of funding to continue the scheme has been announced. Education Business looks into the initiative which aims to rebuild England’s most dilapidated school buildings
