Councils have been given some flexibility over when schools should open, however all schools are expected to be fully open by 18 August.

Careers advice for young people with vision impairment is a postcode lottery, according to new research

A new survey has shown how just 21% of students who took the survey suggested they were happy exams were cancelled

The Education Secretary for Scotland John Swinney has said on twitter that he will "address" the anger over Scottish SQA exam results on Tuesday.

The Department for Education has updated its guidance for schools to prepare for the reopening of schools in September.

£40 million funding will help local transport authorities create extra capacity and allow hundreds of thousands more students to use alternatives to public transport

The DfE is adding a new category of non-attendance for reasons to do with Covid-19 that will not count as an absence

The Education Minister for Northern Ireland, Peter Weir, has said he wants all schools to return fully rather than a phased approach from the week beginning 31 August.

According to a report by the Education Policy Institute (EPI) on school funding allocations 2021-22, better-off pupils in England will see larger school funding increases than poorer pupils.

Ofqual has published further information on how the appeals process for GCSE and A-Level exam results will operate this summer

The number of Scottish domiciled students being offered a place at Scottish universities is the second highest on record.

The Disability Law Service has said that more than a quarter of English councils are acting unlawfully by discriminating against children with autism.
