Ofsted has warned that England’s largest academy chain, the Academies Enterprise Trust (AET), is ‘failing too many pupils’.

The response to Ofsted’s new short inspection system for schools judged as ‘good’ has been ‘largely positive’, according to Ofsted’s chief inspector.

Welsh schools are showing signs of improvement but still face wide variation in teaching quality across the country, according to the new chief schools inspector in Wales.

The role of regional schools commissioners (RSCs) is unclear and in need of clarification, according to a report from the Education Select Committee.

The ‘one size fits all’ secondary education system is letting down pupils who are less academic, according to Ofsted chief Sir Michael Wilshaw.

A new commission by the Social Market Foundation (SMF) has been launched to examine the cause and effect of ‘Inequality in Education’.

The Northern Council of Mosques, representing 400 mosques, has opposed the government’s proposals to require madrassas in England to be registered and inspected.

Jahangir Akbar, a head teacher from Birmingham who was accused of misconduct in the so-called Trojan Horse scandal has been banned from teaching, but can challenge the ban after five years.

The number of primary schools classed as underperforming has fallen by 92, according to data released by the Department for Education (DfE).

Education Secretary Nicky Morgan has announced that failing academies could face rapid intervention from other academy chains.

Ofsted’s annual report on education standards has found around a third of secondary schools in the North and Midlands are not up to standards.

The majority of parents believe Ofsted inspections of schools should be more frequent, according to a recent poll.

Ofsted has released findings of its inspections into 22 independent schools, formerly inspected by the discredited Bridge Schools Inspectorate (BSI), revealing four in five were rated as inadequate or in need of improvement.

Ofsted officials have admitted schools with higher-ability intakes find it easier to gain ‘good’ or ‘outstanding’ ranks, TES has reported.
