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DfE to launch ‘Excellence in Leadership Fund’
EB News: 17/03/2016 - 12:55
The Department for Education (DfE) has announced plans to launch an ‘Excellence in Leadership Fund’, which will encourage multi-academy trusts and other providers to develop ‘innovative ways of boosting leadership’.
The funding comes alongside a host of other measures introduced in the ‘Educational Excellence Everywhere’ white paper that aim to help tackle leadership challenges in the areas where good leaders are most needed.
This includes rebalancing incentives to encourage leaders to work in challenging schools, along with the introduction of an ’improvement period’ where schools will not be inspected by Ofsted, which aims to take the immediate pressure off of new leaders and give them the time to make improvements after taking over a leadership role.
The DfE will also introduce the new National Teacher Service to better support elite teachers and strong middle leaders to progress to leadership roles in challenging areas.
The Schools minister is calling on schools to enhance PE and school sport opportunities for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), in the spirit of the Paralympic Games.
The research by charity Support Send Kids, commissioned by Sky News, shows that two out of five (40 per cent) parents of children with SEND had to leave their jobs, and 33 per cent reduced their hours.