Successful bidders for college improvement fund announced

Seventeen colleges been awarded funding totalling £2.5 million from the third and final round of the Strategic College Improvement Fund (SCIF).

Winning bidders will now partner up with a high performing college to share their knowledge and expertise to help tackle issues such as raising the standard of teaching or boosting learner attendance.

A new report has revealed that the SCIF has been widely welcomed by the sector. Colleges reported a number of positive benefits including how the programme has helped boost attendance rates, as well as the quality of teaching and learning and supported college-wide improvements in culture and leadership.

The report also underlines the strong support for the collaborative working approaches, with many college partnerships pledging to continue this work even though the programme has come to an end.

The SCIF was first launched in October 2017. In total 80 colleges across England have been successful in securing funding totalling £12.3 million. This includes Macclesfield College and Sir George Monoux Sixth Form College in London.

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