Slam Jam is a new programme designed to provide children with their first experience of basketball

A new teacher survey has shown that teachers believe technology can boost pupils’ literacy, but poor access to resources and teacher training means many are missing out.

Even when young people from disadvantaged backgrounds have the equivalent qualifications to their better-off peers, they’re still 50% more likely to be NEET

Dominic Herrington has been made National Schools Commissioner after temporarily holding the position since September 2018.

£30,000 DfE funding is supporting the scheme to get more men into early years careers to provide more male role models for children

Grading system from the IOG will rate natural turf pitches from levels 0 to 5, with 5 being ‘elite’ status

The Scottish Government has announced a new package of measures to support young people’s mental health, including advice on using social media safely

Damian Hinds has written in the Sunday Telegraph on 21 April, setting out the importance of primary assessment, but also making it clear that it should not be a source of stress.

80 per cent of teachers said they had suffered bullying in the last year, according to a survey of nearly 2,000 teachers by NASUWT

For those expected to have completed year 11 in 2017, as many as 8.1 per cent of the entire pupil population were subject to moves that cannot be accounted for.

Sutton Trust research shows 32 per cent of senior leaders in primary schools said they’d had to cut teachers, however 72 per cent reported cutting teaching assistants.

Labour says it will consult with teachers and parents to develop a more flexible and practical system of assessment that is tailored to individual pupils
