The Prime Minister Boris Johnson has announced a £1 billion fund to help children in England catch up on learning missed during school closures amid the pandemic.

COVID-19 could reduce teacher recruitment shortages by between 20 and 40 per cent each year over the next two years, as more graduates see the profession as 'safe'

BT is working with the Department for Education to provide in-need families with six months free internet access for home schooling

A new report reveals serious concerns among children’s sector professionals about the impact the coronavirus crisis has had on vulnerable children and families, and the knock-on effect for early help services.

£27.6 million funding will ensure councils are able to continue the provision of free school meals during the summer holidays

School-related stress affects over half of children (61%), and the current pandemic is causing a similar amount (58%) to worry about returning to school.

Eighteen new schools and colleges have been announced as EdTech demonstrators, after the programme became focused on remote teaching and working during the pandemic

The Scottish Government has published new guidance to help nurseries and other early learning and childcare providers plan for reopening when it is safe to do so.

Wey Education has been granted government funding as part of the Innovate UK programme to create a virtual summer school.

The 'Covid Summer Food Fund' will support children eligible for free school meals with a six week voucher this summer.

A new report published by National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER) highlights significant differences in pupils’ level of engagement with remote learning.

Ofsted has said that they will publish inspection reports that are not yet published now that more educational settings are reopening more widely.
