Counter terror advice for universities and colleges

Counter Terrorism Policing is encouraging colleges and universities to reiterate to students what to do in a firearms or weapons attack.

The UK’s Senior National Coordinator for Protective Security, Deputy Assistant Commissioner Lucy D’Orsi, says: "There is no specific intelligence to show that colleges and universities are being targeted, and the chances of being caught up in a terrorist incident are low. But sadly we saw in 2017, and more recently, that attacks can be carried out anywhere.

"Starting university and college is an exciting time for students. We know many people will have seen our safety advice during the festival season and we want to take this opportunity to remind everyone it is really important to stay alert. This simple, straightforward information could save lives."

"We are also encouraging students to play their part in keeping everyone safe by reporting any suspicious behaviour."

If anyone gets caught up in a firearms or weapons attack, police advice is:

    •    Run to a place of safety. This is a far better option than to surrender or negotiate. If there is nowhere to go then…
    •    Hide, it’s better than to confront. Remember to turn your phone to silent and turn off vibrate. Barricade yourself in if you can. Then finally, and only when it is safe to do so…
    •    Tell the police by calling 999.

If you see anything suspicious that gives you cause for concern, trust your instincts and ACT. Students should contact college or university security staff.

In an emergency always call 999.

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