Academisation increases workload of SBM’s, survey finds

A survey conducted by the public services union, Unison, has found that as more schools convert to academy status, the role of school business managers (SBM’s) is becoming increasingly pressured.

The survey of 850 SBM’s found that almost nine out of 10 are worried about their workload as their responsibilities expand.

The study also revealed that 87 per cent of respondents work more than their contracted hours and 71 per cent are not rewarded for the additional work. Over 75 per cent of respondents said their workload had increased since their school converted to academy status.

The union argues that the government has not taken into account the effect of pushing schools to become academies and the subsequent growing workload pressures on SBM’s.

Jon Richards, head of education and children’s services at Unison, said: “It’s a fantasy to think that if all our schools become academies, the government would solve all the many problems facing our schools. The additional workload of running academies doesn't appear to have been considered by ministers.

“Feedback from school business managers suggests there are increasing concerns over their growing workload. While they love their jobs and the contribution they make to their communities many have real concerns about workload stress, which is prompting some to consider leaving the profession.”

Academisation means SBMs are facing increasingly complicated and diverse duties just as the support from local authority services disappear. Additionally, duties now include greater management of premises, complex reporting procedures and the procurement of services for schools.

Richards added: “School business managers are already working excessive hours to cope with the ever expanding demands being placed on them. There is only so much one person can do, even when excessive amounts of overtime – often unpaid – are worked.”

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