The Welsh education system has ‘massive untapped potential’ and the Schools Challenge Cymru (SCC) initiative has a made a ‘significant impact’ within its first two years, according to a leading Welsh government adviser.
More than a third of Suffolk’s publicly funded schools have benefited from a new £600,000 partnership between Suffolk County Council’s Raising the Bar programme and the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF).
If current recruitment and retention trends continue, teachers' pay will need to increase ‘significantly more than one per cent’ to ensure an adequate supply of good teachers, according to the School Teachers' Review Body.
A number of schools in England have been closed or disrupted as a result of the one-day strike staged by the National Union of Teachers (NUT) over school funding.
The Department for Education (DfE) has announced that one third of the £6 million funding pot targeted at building character in school pupils, will be used to support military-style projects.
Carmel O’Hagan, the former head of languages at CILT The National Centre for Languages, has criticised Chancellor George Osborne’s £10 million investment in expanding the teaching of Mandarin, claiming it could have been better invested in language assistants.
A growing number of schools are using pupil premium funding for disadvantaged pupils to offset budget cuts, according to polling published by the Sutton Trust and the Education Endowment Foundation.