Dr Muhammed Tahir Al Qadri, a Pakistani politician and Islamic scholar, has suggested that muslims should take counter extremism lessons to help prevent radicalisation as a part of the national curriculum in schools.

Researchers from UCL Institute of Education and the University of Cambridge, introduced an East Asian educational programme called 'Maths Mastery' and investigated how this new method improved British students maths scores.

Councils have voiced funding concerns after figures show secondary school applications have reached their highest level since 2009.

The US First Lady visited Mulberry School for Girls in East London as a part of a visit to the UK to promote her ‘Let Girls Learn’ initiative, which aims to remove barriers that keep 62 million girls out of education around the world.

Data on the latest inspection results for English schools, published by Ofsted on 16 June 2015, shows that the proportion of schools rated good or outstanding is at its highest level on record.

Ofted has published new guidance entitled “The Common Inspection Framework: education, skills and early years” which includes changes that will come into effect from September 2015.

Director of the Melbourne Education Research Institute John Hattie has warned that some of the UK government’s key education policies, such as performance related pay for teachers and increased academy conversion, are a “distraction” that will only have a “minimal” impact on student’s learning.

Students prefer to focus purely on their studies, rather gain experience with part-time work.

The Department for Education has announced that from September, GCSE subjects will  focus on Baccalaureate subjects. A new grading will also be introduced in  2017 which replaces the A to U system with a 9 to 1 scale.

From September, Ofsted will inspect good schools and further education and skills providers under a new short inspection model - the biggest change to education inspection for more than two decades.

In a new policy pamphlet, former Education Secretary Charles Clarke will call for radical reforms to religion's place in state education.

The 2015 Birthday Honours list, published on Friday 12 June 2015, recognises 108 people for their service to education and children’s services including teachers, school governors, foster carers and many others.
