The maths curriculum is ‘stuck in the dark ages’ and needs to be modernised to equip pupils for the future, according to tuition expert William Petty.
Speaking to the Evening Standard, Petty, director of Bonas Macfarlane, which tutors hundreds of children, criticised the current curriculum for being ‘based on learning by rote’ despite evidence that it doesn’t work.
He believes that there should be a ‘sea-change in maths teaching in the state system’ and suggests that teaching should be more conceptually based.
Looking towards the future, Petty believes modernising the curriculum could boost the economy as maths skills are essential for a large number of careers.
He told the Even Standard: “It’s going to be a huge part of the future. The best mathematicians are going to be the new coders and beyond.
“For the financial companies that dominate so much of the job market in London and globally, maths is a big deal.”
The IFS's report on school spending in the Scottish Budget 2025-26, found that by 2040, the number of pupils in Scotland is estimated to be 90,000 fewer.
The government has announced £30 million to provide Bikeability cycle training to children, as part of almost £300 million to boost active travel in England.