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STEM subjects harder for underrepresented groups to access
EB News: 11/11/2024 - 12:19
A new report by the Education Policy Institute (EPI) and the Centre for Youth and Education (CfEY) has revealed the need for targeted efforts to increase post-16 participation in STEM subjects for currently underrepresented groups.
Drawing on quantitative and qualitative analyses, it examined why some groups of students, in particular those from disadvantaged backgrounds, by gender, and different ethnicities are less likely to pursue STEM subjects post-16.
The research found that the odds of progressing to level 3 STEM after leaving secondary school are 44 per cent lower for disadvantaged pupils compared to their more affluent peers.
Pupils that are ethnically Black Caribbean, White and Black Caribbean, Gypsy/Roma, and Travellers of Irish heritage are amongst the least likely to progress to level 3 STEM qualifications.
Disadvantaged pupils and pupils from certain ethnic backgrounds are particularly hindered by lower average GCSE attainment.
The difference in progressing to level 3 STEM between pupils on free school meals and their more affluent peers almost disappears if they have similar attainment, while Black Caribbean pupils are estimated to be 40 per cent more likely to progress to level 3 STEM qualifications than White British pupils with similar attainment.
The odds of progressing to level 3 STEM qualifications after leaving secondary school are 42 per cent lower for girls, compared to boys. Though prior attainment masks the size of the gender gap – girls are 60% less likely to progress to level 3 STEM qualifications than boys with similar attainment – with preferences playing a larger factor.
The EDU recommended the curriculum and assessment review should consider how access to non-A level post-16 STEM qualifications can be improved, including how to fill gaps in local provision.
Routes to level 3 STEM qualifications are generally quite limited to traditional A level academic routes with prior attainment entry barriers.
They also said the government should develop a renewed strategy for closing the disadvantage gap which acts as a barrier to accessing level 3 STEM subjects. This should include the adequacy of disadvantage funding across all phases and the introduction of a student premium for those studying in post-16.
Careers leaders should continue to work with careers advisers and hubs to provide employer experiences that offer ‘real world’ examples of what it is like to work in STEM jobs in practice, particularly focusing on representation from currently underrepresented groups. Students often do not have a good understanding of the wide range of STEM career opportunities and improving awareness of the courses and routes that are available will likely increase participation.
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