Primary head takes drastic action on term time holidays

The measures, taken in order to tackle a recent decline in attendance, have come about because staff and governors were becoming frustrated with the numbers of children taking time off.

Ms Konarzewski told the Daily Mail: 'We want parents and pupils at Fleetdown who follow the school's rules, and have decided that drastic measures need to be taken to halt the decline in attendance.

"It is not a human right to have a holiday. I think their education is more important than having a holiday with the family.

“Children have a right to a very good education, we've got all the resources here. But if the system is being abused because parents are not allowing their child to be in school for all the hours that are allocated, then their children are being deprived and that does have an impact on their education.”

According to the Daily Mail, Ms Konarzewski’s stance on term time trips has angered parents, some of whom claimed the new rule was less about children's learning and more focused on a good attendance report for Ofsted.