Wales commits to improving reading, maths and science

The Welsh Government has committed to plans to regain pre-pandemic progress in reading, maths and science, as PISA results are published.

Wales' performance had fallen to its lowest level ever in maths, reading and science tests.

The Minister has committed to bring together education leaders across Wales to drive a system-wide response to support teaching and learning and drive up standards in reading, maths and science.

Education Minister Jeremy Miles said: "Before the pandemic, we saw a strong improvement in literacy and numeracy standards in Wales. Sadly, it is clear that the pandemic has derailed some of this improvement.

"We have already started on a path of driving up standards in reading and maths and we won’t let these results knock us off track.

"Last month we launched literacy and numeracy plans to help support learning and raise standards in these key areas. I have also published the first national report on the performance of our children in reading and numeracy and will do this annually to track recovery.

"We supported our schools and learners through the pandemic, we will stand together and support them now.

Since 2022, schools in Wales have started implementing major long-term reforms, with the new Curriculum for Wales being taught and rolled out sequentially to reach all learners in all schools from 2026/27.

Jeremy Miles continued: "Our long-term education reforms have now started after years of planning and, as the OECD have said, improvement to education takes time.

"We have taken a once-in-a-generation opportunity to revolutionise the quality of education in Wales and I’m confident we will deliver huge benefits for our young people."

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