Changes to key stage 2 assessment dates in 2023

Due to the additional bank holiday in honour of the Coronation of His Majesty King Charles III, KS2 tests will take place one day later than originally planned.

As such, the new schedule will be:

    Tuesday 9 May: English grammar, punctuation and spelling (GPS) papers 1 (questions) and 2 (spelling)
    Wednesday 10 May: English reading paper
    Thursday 11 May: mathematics papers 1 (arithmetic) and 2 (reasoning)
    Friday 12 May: mathematics paper 3 (reasoning)

The KS2 timetable variation (TTV) window for each assessment will also move back one day, in accordance with this change.

There will be no changes to arrangements for our other assessments, including KS2 teacher assessments, key stage 1 tests and teacher assessments, the phonics screening check and the multiplication tables check. Dates and deadlines for these assessments remain as previously announced.

In making their decision, ministers have considered the views of schools and stakeholders including trade unions and have sought to minimise disruption to schools arising from the change in plans.

The Standards and Testing Agency has said they are aware that schools may have booked events or activities for their year 6 pupils on Friday 12 May. Where possible, schools should look to rearrange or delay the start of any such events or activities to accommodate mathematics paper 3.

Where it is not possible to change plans in this way then, exceptionally for 2023, the Agency said it will approve applications for TTVs arising from booked residentials, trips or similar events scheduled for Friday 12 May only. Schools will need to reschedule the date of the test (mathematics paper 3) for the affected pupils to one of the following five school days.

Guidance will be updated to reflect these decisions, including any changes to other aspects of test administration such as arrangements for the collection of test papers

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