40,000 primary and secondary school pupils have been given the chance to learn outside the classroom thanks to the Natural Connections Demonstration Project.

Texting parents about upcoming tests and homework can help to boost secondary pupils’ maths results, according to a new trial published by the Educ

Sex and relationships education (SRE) is ‘inadequate or absent’ in many schools across the UK, according to a report from the Terrence Higgins Trust.

£41m worth of funding is being made available to support more than 8,000 schools to adopt teaching practices from leading Asian countries.

Parents have been fined a total of £5.6 million across England and Wales for taking their children out of school during term time.

Academisation ‘does not automatically raise standards’ and many local authority run schools are outperforming academies, according to new research published by the Education Policy Institute (EPI).

The proportion of pupils in England claiming free school meals has dropped to its lowest level in 15 years, according to figures published by the Department for Education (DfE).

According to figures from the Department for Education (DfE), the school population in England has increased by 121,000 since last year.

There is no compelling evidence to suggest that academy status improves pupil performance, a new report argues.

53 per cent of classroom or teaching assistants working in schools across the UK have experienced physical violence over the past year, according to figures published by Unison.

Disadvantaged pupils systematically receive lower quality mathematics instruction compared to their more advantaged peers, a new report from the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) has warned.

A new survey conducted by the National Union of Teachers (NUT) has found that nine out of 10 teachers believe the primary assessment has had a negative impact on their pupils.

A growing number of schools are using pupil premium funding for disadvantaged pupils to offset budget cuts, according to polling published by the Sutton Trust and the Education Endowment Foundation.

Influential think tank Centre Forum has rebranded itself as the Education Policy Institute.

Analysis from the New Schools Network has found stark regional differences in the proportion of pupils studying A-levels in local state schools in England.


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