Most schools and academies use framework agreements to get best value for money on their goods and services, but there is so much more to frameworks than that.


Tilden Watson, Zurich Municipal’s head of education, discusses new guidance for designing-in fire safety in schools, and shares practical tips for reducing fire risk

Some twenty years on from the ban on asbestos in construction, its presence in many older school buildings remains a national problem, writes John McClean from the Joint Union Asbestos Campaign

The PE and Sport Premium will continue to be funded next year, with a £320 million investment, and any money leftover from the grant this year or last can be used by until 31 July 2022

Over the 2021 summer term, many teachers opted to take their teaching beyond the classroom walls in response to Covid operating guidelines. So what can we learn from this?

Polegate School - photo credit Wernick.

Modular schools are helping to resolve many of the problems encountered by the education sector when undertaking new build or refurbishment projects, writes the MPBA

Image by TheDigitalWay from Pixabay

By following five practical steps, school leaders can significantly reduce their chances of falling victim to cyber crime, writes Sarah Lyons from the National Cyber Security Centre

Trumpington Park Primary School, part of Cambridge Primary Education Trust, has signed up to an international project that could fundamentally rethink space utilisation in the classroom

Following school closures and a year in which sports days were forced to take place at home, schools across the country came together to celebrate a week of sport between 19 and 25 June

Iain Cox makes the case that money spent on dealing with the aftermath of fires in schools should be spent on sprinklers

Outdoor learning and school trips have a crucial role to play in helping children recover from the pandemic - not just academically, but mentally, socially and physically

Schools must still provide immediate remote learning to pupils who need to self-isolate. Stephanie Glenister from The Key explains how schools across the country are nailing this

Despite pressure to increase classroom time for catch-up learning, schools need to continue to support and value the role of play in education recovery, writes author Thérèse Hoyle

Presented live online by celebrity host Jeff Brazier on 8 July, the Education Business Awards, sponsored by Philips, recognised the outstanding work, commitment and achievements of
schools and academies across the country

The pandemic has shown just how much digital skills are now a vital part of education, and are increasingly in demand from employers. Teachers can get ahead with NCCE’s Summer of Computing

The enhanced levels of cleaning and hygiene practiced at schools during the pandemic will likely help reduce sickness levels for other infections that often spike each winter, writes Tony Sullivan

If you empower your kitchen teams to make food from scratch, you will soon have happier staff and pupils. Danielle Glavin from Chefs in Schools explains how this can be achieved
