Schools are being urged to do all they can to increase ventilation, as well as adopt air purification technology, in an effort to combat the spread of Covid-19

The COP26 summit encouraged schools to get engaged with climate action and encourage conversations about the environment and energy efficiency. Here’s what schools got up to

A contracts database is an essential tool in your procurement kit. So how do you create one?

With the pandemic ongoing and travel requirements changing, Justine Lee from the School Travel Forum shares some advice on planning overseas educational visits

The National Fire Chiefs Council believes that there should be an overarching requirement for all schools to have sprinklers, aligning policy across the UK

It’s paramount that green spaces and outdoor surfaces are maintained and that the appropriate maintenance tasks are carried out at the correct time of year, writes BALI's Stephen Ensell

Digital skills are increasingly important for young people’s future, but how do schools know that their provision is meeting the evolving demands of the 21st century?

The Department for Education is supplying schools with CO2 monitors in an effort to improve ventilation and combat the spread of Covid

Many of us purchase products and services but not everyone has had recent procurement training to be able to get the best value from the purchasing process

There is so much more to educational lighting that just cost and energy efficiency. Bob Bohannon shares what should be considered when specifying lighting in schools

A new free loan scheme from the National Centre for Computing Education has made it easier for teachers to explore the possibilities of using physical computing to bring computing to life

With the government’s school rebuilding programme in progress, Andrew Orriss examines how structural timber can assist in this effort, especially from an environmental point of view

Courtney Brightwell from the Department for Education’s Schools Commercial Team discusses the support schools can get when buying goods and services, so they can purchase with confidence

With the knowledge that Covid-19 mainly transmits via airborne particles, the pandemic has brought the issue of indoor air quality sharper into focus. But the debate stretches much further than this

Chair of the Association of Play Industries, Mark Hardy, says it is essential that schools put outdoor play first to help children flourish post-lockdown

The Let’s Go Zero campaign headed to COP26 in November to champion green schools to a global stage, writes Alex Green

Which new schools have been selected for the government's ten-year rebuilding programme, and how is the first batch of projects coming along?

The Covid-19 pandemic has brought the issue of indoor air quality into sharper focus, as ventilation and air purification have been shown to reduce the spread of the virus
