London’s Violence Reduction Unit (VRU) is investing £4.7 million in a series of programmes to tackle school exclusions and support vulnerable young Londoners through education.

For the first time, The Education Show will take place inside Bett from 22nd-25th January 2020.

Colleges and sixth forms will benefit from £155 million cash injection to support them to deliver crucial but expensive subjects like engineering and construction.

Pupils with SEND are increasingly being sent to specialist schools much further away than their local school which is contributing to the overspend

The Scottish Government is recruiting more than 80 new counsellors over the next four years to improve mental health and wellbeing for further and higher education students.

This funding extends the programme into a fourth year, which will run until August 2021, to help sustain long term improvements and outcomes.

As new guidance on the primary PE & Sport Premium is published, primary schools across England are sharing details of how they are improving Physical Education

The funding will see a minimum rate so that no authority will see less than £4.38 per hour per child

The research by the Access Group also found that a poorly managed takeover results in an average drop of 12.9% in ‘overall effectiveness’.

The Promethean State of Technology in Education Report has revealed 41 per cent of teachers believe technology helps improve pupil behaviour in the classroom.  

Research suggests up to a third of young people consume ‘energy drinks’ frequently or in large amounts

Secondary school league tables are misrepresenting the performance of schools by not showing the difference when pupil background is taken into account
