New appointment to the Welsh Education Workforce Council

 New appointment to the Welsh Education Workforce Council

Welsh education secretary Kirsty Willans has announced the appointment of Clare Jones’ to the Education Workforce Council (EWC).

This appointment will run from 13 November 2017 to 31 March 2019.

The EWC was formed in April 2015, following the introduction of the Education (Wales) Act 2014. The EWC are responsible for: establishing and maintaining a Register of teachers; reviewing and revising the Code of Professional Conduct & Practice; and investigating and hearing cases involving the fitness to practise of registered persons; among other responsibilities.

The Education Workforce Council (Appointments and Membership) (Wales) Regulations 2014 provides for membership of the EWC is to consist of not less than 14 members.

Seven members would be directly appointed by Welsh Ministers and seven members would be appointed by Welsh Ministers having being nominated by organisations listed in the Schedule of the 2014 Regulations.

This post is not remunerated and members of the ECW are not paid, however, they are reimbursed for reasonable travel and subsistence costs.

Members have a typical time commitment of 10-12 days per year.

Kirsty Williams said: “I am pleased that Mrs Jones has agreed to work on the EWC; I am sure she will bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to her role as Council member.

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