Survey seeks young people's thoughts during pandemic

An online survey asking Wales’ children and young people for their views and opinions during the Coronavirus pandemic has launched.

Named Coronavirus and Me, the survey is open to those aged 7 to 18 and covers key themes and issues including about their health, education, the impact on social aspects of their lives and the needs of specific groups.

The Welsh Government is the first government in the UK to formally seek the views of its country’s children and young people. The results will help to inform the Welsh Government’s approach to working with and communicating to Wales’ younger generation during and beyond the pandemic.

To enable a diverse range of children and young people to take part - including children under 7 and those with additional support needs - a symbols version of the survey is available as well as picture activity task as an alternative of filling out the text version of the survey.

Welsh Youth Parliament Member Jonathon Dawes, who represents the Vale of Clwyd, said: "Coronavirus is presenting many challenges for young people the length and breadth of Wales, ranging from employment to mental health. Have your say by participating in our survey in collaboration with the Welsh Government and the Children's Commissioner to ensure your voice is heard."

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