87 per cent of heads oppose compulsory EBacc, survey suggests

From September, under new education reforms pupils will have to study English, maths, science, history or geography and a language at GCSE. These compulsory subjects make up the EBacc as part of a government push to ensure a greater focus on rigorous academic education.

The survey drew nearly 1,000 responses, with 63 per cent ‘strongly disagreeing’ with the changes and 24 per cent ‘disagreeing’ with the reform.

73 percent of respondents said they would be more inclined to support the requirement if the subject choice was more flexible, and 74 per cent indicated that their school does not have enough teachers in the EBacc subjects, highlighting the current issue of teacher shortages across the country.

ASCL Deputy General Secretary Malcolm Trobe said: “We understand that ministers intend to consult widely during the autumn over their plan for compulsory EBacc, and we are very pleased that they are doing so. We hope that this will lead to them building more flexibility into this system.

“It is clear from our survey that the vast majority of school leaders are concerned that the current proposals are too rigid and will restrict their ability to offer a curriculum which suits the needs of all their pupils. We are concerned that creative, technology and vocational subjects are in danger of being squeezed out and we must ensure there is room in the curriculum for them.

“It needs to be recognised that the EBacc will not suit some pupils whose interests and talents may lay in other areas, and who will be demotivated by being forced to take GCSEs in which they have little interest. We hope that ministers will not therefore require that every pupil takes the EBacc and will allow that a proportion are better served by other options.”

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