Home / Many teachers not confident using technology in teaching
Many teachers not confident using technology in teaching
EB News: 05/10/2022 - 09:24
Many teachers in Europe have said they lack the confidence and experience to use technology in their teaching and risk increased work stress as a result, a new international report by Vodafone Foundation has uncovered.
The 21st Century Teachers report shows how societal and technological demands are transforming education in Europe, and where teachers need support to survive and thrive in a technology-led world.
Despite the global shift towards digital learning amid school closures during the pandemic, the research finds that a major disparity has emerged among European teachers’ digital skills. Twenty per cent of teachers surveyed say they have little or no experience using digital technology for teaching. Forty-eight per cent feel increased work stress due to the lack of integration of digital technology in their teaching, while 42 per cent feel they quickly reach their limits when using technology. By contrast 48% of teachers report they use a variety of digital technology with their students.
The study highlights an opportunity for governments to address the gap identified by teachers in digital education and digital skills. Seventy-eight per cent of teachers believe more is expected of schools and teachers from their government in digital teaching than can actually be achieved. Seventy-two per cent think education policy measures are not sufficient to prepare students for future job markets, and 75% of teachers state there should be uniform European wide policies and standards for digital education.
Joakim Reiter, Chief External and Corporate Affairs Officer, Vodafone Group, said: “While it’s alarming to see so many teachers across Europe struggling to keep up with the race to accelerate digital education, I’m encouraged by their readiness to support education reform at a European-wide level. With 2023 earmarked as the European year of Skills, if we want to see the next generation of youth empowered and thriving in an increasingly complex, ever more digital 21st century world, it’s critical that we take a serious look at the support, training and tools needed to set schools and teachers up for success.”
Vodafone Foundation’s mission through SkillsUpload Europe is to empower everyone with the skills, confidence and know-how to thrive in a flourishing digital society. The programme operates in 14 European countries, focusing on primary and secondary school pupils, adults not in education, employment or training and older people. Through locally targeted, tailored learning initiatives as well as partnerships with communities, educators, NGOs and governments, SkillsUpload Europe aims to drive lasting systemic change in how people learn to use technologies in their personal, professional and academic lives.
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