Recent retirees encouraged to take up teaching

A report in the TES quotes Morgan: “I was heartened that a senior partner of a law firm emailed me last week to say, ‘I’m retiring and I’ve decided to go into teaching.

“I think he’d be very good, but I’m not going to pass judgement on his classroom abilities until he’s been through all the training, but I think that’s very exciting.”

In an interview with the TES, educationalist Baroness Warnock proposed a programme called 'Teach Last', which would bring retirees into the classroom as teachers.

All pupils starting secondary school in September will be required to study these Ebac subjects – English, maths, science, a foreign language and either history or geography - to GCSE level. Ms Morgan's comments came in response to a question about how schools could be expected to find enough teachers for the change.