Charity merger to help send poorer pupils to boarding school

Hundreds of vulnerable and disadvantaged children are expected to receive bursaries in order to attend boarding school.

This follows a planned merger of The Royal National Children’s Foundation (RNFC) and the SpringBoard Bursary Foundation where both organisations will help fund children to go to boarding school this September.

Ian Davenport, who describes himself as “de facto chief executive” of both charities, said that SpringBoard will be paying for 300 children, while the RNCF would fund 370 children.

He also said that the combined figure would rise to 1,000 in two years time.

Speaking at the Boarding Schools’ Association’s conference, Davenport said: “The reason I have said I thought this will work really well is because it is going to touch much more lives, more broadly.

“The second thing is that I hope we will bring a very strong pastoral connection into the home life of the community because that’s right at the heart of the SpringBoard model.”

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