Ofsted budget black hole expected for Spielman

Sir Michael Wilshaw has admitted that incoming chief inspector of Ofsted Amanda Spielman will be left with a black hole of more than £30 million.

As part of Ofsted’s annual report and accounts, Wilshaw said the inspectorate needs to save £31.5 million over the next four years, but insisted that there were current plans in place that makes the required budget reduction possible.

He said: “We are committed to a major transformation programme which offers opportunities for staff at all levels to engage in radical thinking about the process of inspection.

“We will review how we support inspection more efficiently, how we gather evidence, share what we have found and report on it, and how we deliver a culture that is focused on continually improving for the benefit of children and learners.”

Spielman will take up the role in January when Wilshaw steps down.

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